Keeping control on moving day

10 minute read.

A few quick tips to help keep you in control on your moving day…

Be prepared:

1. Communicate - Keep in touch with your Conveyancing Solicitor and Estate Agent, ensure they are all prepared for completion day, and remember they are working for you. Inform your Conveyancing Solicitor of anything that could be an issue, no matter how small, they can judge if they need to do anything to ensure a smooth transaction.

2. Avoid same day exchange and completion - If you’re in a chain of people moving this is not recommended as it would only take one person to have an issue with the exchange for all your plans to be void. If you are using Help to Buy Equity Loan the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) could take up to 1 week to release the funds between exchange and completion, whilst this may or may not apply to you, it may be relevant to some parties in the chain. Allowing a week between exchange and completion will also give you time to make final arrangements now a definite date is known such as setting up a Royal Mail postal redirect service, which takes up to 5 working days, informing your removals company, booking time off work etc.

3. Ensure all the required funds are ready - You should ensure your Conveyancing Solicitor has all the funds needed from you to close on completion day. Try to include in your budget an amount for other costs like changing locks, domestic connections, other miscellaneous fees and service charges etc. 

4. Book a professional mover early - A professional removals service is recommended by the majority of house movers. They will ensure all your things are out of your home on time before the next property owners obtain possession and ensure they get your belongings to your next home safely. They can be booked in advance and a date confirmed once it is agreed with your solicitor. Professional removal companies deal with the property business on a daily basis, they can give you advice and they will be able to help guide you through some of the moving hurdles. Remember to reserve a parking space if necessary. 

5. Pack up your belongings way in advance of move day - Removals company can help with packing and can pack up your entire house in a day or two or to reduce costs you can decide to pack belongings into boxes yourself.  Do start this at least a week before your move. Pack your breakables carefully with bubble wrap, or old t-shirts and curtains etc. to avoid breakages. Label all the boxes with the room they will be going to in your new house to help your removals company. Decide what you want to take with you, what you can recycle or find a new home for; envisage your new home to see where your furniture is going to be placed to save you moving anything that you do not have room for.

Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head

Moving Day:

1. Child and pet care - Children will want to be involved in the move, but it can be a distraction for you and unsafe environment for them.  Pets also will be distressed and confused, so asking someone to help look after them on the day will allow you to concentrate on your move. If the children are old enough to help, find age appropriate tasks for them so they can feel part of the move.  They could help make beverages if old enough, or help with the final clean up and say goodbye to their old house.

2. Meter readings - Before you leave, get a final meter reading of all your metered services and call the relevant suppliers to inform them of the numbers so you can settle up the final balance and close the account ready for moving. If you don’t do this you could end up in disputes with the new owners and it’s just added stress when you could be relaxing in your new home.

3. Pack an overnight bag as if you’re going away for the weekend - This will help you on your first night and day once you arrive in your new home to help you find clothes and toiletries that are otherwise packed away. 

4. Essentials box packed and transported with you - Essentials box to include; kettle, cups, tea and coffee, milk, sugar, loo roll, snacks, phone charger, small radio, tape, pens, scissors.  These will be still needed in your old house and the first thing you will want to find in your new house! Remember your removal team will need refreshments too!

5. Final checks and clean - Make sure you are fully prepared for the day ahead. Go through each room of your home and ensure that you have not forgotten anything. Do leave your old home in a clean and tidy condition for the new owners; if you have time before the move a spring clean is recommended and do remember if leaving white goods in the kitchen do give them in good condition and consider a professional oven clean.  It is a good idea not to pack the vacuum cleaner and give the house a good clean once it is empty.

Your new home, where to begin…

1. Make up your new beds in the new house first - When you’re tired later and you can’t face anymore unpacking, you can hop straight into a comfy bed and get a good night's sleep. This way you will feel revived and ready to crack on again in the morning!  Putting up curtains in the bedrooms is also a great start.

2. Your first meal - Who knows how many helpers you will have and you are bound to have worked up an appetite. To be very organised a grocery delivery would be one less job, but you need to ensure that you have your kitchen organised by the time it is delivered. Budgeting for and locating a local takeaway delivery company so when you get hungry in the middle of building the beds and wardrobes you can have a welcome break without taking too much time off!

3. Home insurance - This may be the last thing on your mind, but do ensure your policy has started and everything is covered for your new home. It would be awful if you your foot goes through the ceiling whilst unpacking and your home insurance policy has not been updated so you’re not covered.

4. Meter readings - As when you left your previous home, take meter readings of all your metered services, record the numbers and call the relevant suppliers to ensure your services don’t get cut off, there are no outstanding balances on these services from the previous owners and they have your new details.

5. The neighbours - Having good neighbours can be a great benefit.  As well as making new friends, you can reciprocate keeping an eye on each other’s homes, take in deliveries if you are not at home etc, so it's more than worthwhile to establish a good relationship with them.